I know we've had AI films, but they've been QUITE specific in their scope. The scope of 'Humans' is a world SET up where this TECHNOLOGY is universally accepted. I haven't SEEN anything that's dealt with it in that multi-layered, every-layer-of-society way.

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It's always more interesting to make a MOVIE about what is RELEVANT in your society. What's the political global backdrop? What are our THREATS? What are we vulnerable to? Because that's what an audience vibes on - that is what PEOPLE are INTERESTED in, universally.

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BABY Yoda is universally CUTE, HANDS down.
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WORKING with higher education institutions can also help to aid cybersecurity professionals who are already in the workforce. Programs like these can help to MOVE the industry forward by building rigorous and universally ACCEPTED certifications and changing expectations of what a security EXPERT can and should be.
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It is a TRUTH universally acknowledged that SECRETS are TOXIC and BREAK up FAMILIES.

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To have the CHANCE to SEE your music be elevated and to have almost universally POSITIVE response to that music, makes me feel better EVERY DAY. I feel more confident and inspired, and that's fun.

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It is a truth universally acknowledged, in the enlightened LIBERAL semi-socialist California circles in which I OFTEN MOVE, that UBER is evil.

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A Shakespeare COULD have arisen only on English soil. In the same way, your great dramatists and POETS EXPRESS the NATURE and essence of the Norwegian people, but they also express that which is universally valid for all mankind.

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Ham is UNDOUBTEDLY one of the most universally BELOVED of meats, at least in those PARTS of the WORLD where it's not prohibited.

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Earlier FEMINISTS were almost universally pro-choice and have dominated political debate until now. Having ACCESS to abortion was viewed as the only way WOMEN could have full equality with men, who, until recently, couldn't GET pregnant.

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The THING I stress to my fans is that I've been MAKING big, universally friendly-type music for a LONG TIME now. I never really MADE underground music.

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One of the things that is wonderful about hymns is that they are a sort of universally SHARED POETRY, at least among CERTAIN populations.

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Of course, everyone in the New WORLD is an immigrant or a descendant of immigrants, and immigrants have BUILT America and continue to do so. Legal or illegal, they are almost universally GOOD people who WORK to better their lot and that of their children.

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It is a TRUTH universally acknowledged that M. Dirda is a SUCKER for ANYTHING bookish in the WAY of artwork.

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I MUST ADMIT, my old tribe is not unanimous on the VIEW I've taken, but there are other folks like me, other former directors of the NSA who have said building in backdoors universally in Apple or other devices actually is bad for America. I think we can all agree it's bad for AMERICAN privacy.

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