If you are being criticised, and you are UNSUCCESSFUL, then that can be a LOW for you. But if you are doing GOOD and STILL being SLAMMED, then it is good.

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I KNOW that one's visibility is very high on television, EVEN with an UNSUCCESSFUL show! With a SUCCESSFUL role, it's even higher.

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It doesn't matter how SUCCESSFUL or how unsuccessful a TEAM is. It can all change with one PICK.

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I tried to FIND a social niche at HARVARD - a GROUP, my group - but I was UNSUCCESSFUL.

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I was happy to carry on without children because I was completely immersed in my WORK and my CAREER. I only HEARD the clock ticking in my late 30s, and when my mother Marion died the year I turned 40 it hit me with such a force that we ended up having IVF, which turned out to be UNSUCCESSFUL.

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I wasn't MAKING any money, but I didn't feel UNSUCCESSFUL because of that. You can do that in NEW YORK but not in Hollywood. In Hollywood, it is how much money you MAKE.

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I've been just UNSUCCESSFUL ENOUGH not to have been given a BIG opportunity too SOON.

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