EVERYBODY believes in SOMETHING and everybody, by VIRTUE of the FACT that they believe in something, uses that something to support their own EXISTENCE.
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Science in the modern world has many USES; its chief use, HOWEVER, is to PROVIDE long words to COVER the ERRORS of the rich.

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DEATH metal uses a lot of WHITE FACE paint and BLACK hair dye to make its point. I quite enjoy this genre for its intensity, extremism and underlying irony: You have to be alive to play it and listen to it.
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I take PRIDE in the creation of my WEALTH, in its EXISTENCE and in the USES to which it has been and is being PUT.

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An identity would SEEM to be arrived at by the way in which the PERSON FACES and uses his EXPERIENCE.

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The way I WORK USES a very on-the-spot flow, and I write the lyrics and the MUSIC when I feel them COMING.

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I wrote a NOVEL called 'Blonde,' which is about Norma Jean BAKER, who becomes Marilyn Monroe, which I called a FICTITIOUS BIOGRAPHY. That USES the material as if it were myth - that Marilyn Monroe is like this mythical figure in our culture.

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LISTEN to the triple fugue in 'Magnificat' - the first subject is seven VOICES, the SECOND one has 52 different voices, the THIRD uses five; then I combine all TOGETHER. Such textures you cannot call primitive.
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I don't CONSIDER myself an ARTIST. I consider myself a very opinionated man who USES words as FIGHTING tools.

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I don't think Othello is a jealous man - he is a man who has been deceived by ANOTHER person, just as everybody in the play is deceived by that person... The PLAYWRIGHT USES the WORD 'jealousy' over and over and over again, but I don't think it has anything to do with being jealous.

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People USE location as a LANGUAGE in films, and Quentin uses action as a language in his films. There's really not a LOT of violence. It's more of an EMOTIONAL beat than it is a physical beat.

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Who uses funds more productively - private CITIZENS or the GOVERNMENT? I DARE say that Warren Buffett can use his surplus funds more effectively in private business and creating JOBS than the government can.

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I consider myself kind of a REPORTER - one who USES WORDS that are more like music and that have a CHOREOGRAPHY. I never think of myself as a poet; I just get up and write.

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I am by no means suggesting that everyone who uses the neocon label is doing so as an anti-Semitic smear, but the WORD has been used OFTEN enough in that ugly context that it should make any PERSON of goodwill THINK twice before employing it.

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A WRITER USES a PEN instead of a scalpel or blow TORCH.

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