ENERGY companies, such as Chevron and Shell, and oil producing COUNTRIES, such as Kuwait and Venezuela, pump crude oil from their vast land holdings and SELL it on the WORLD market.
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Nature did not gift us with a MIGHTY Mekong like Thailand and VIETNAM, with their vast and naturally fertile plains. Nature instead put our ISLANDS ahead of our neighbours in the path of typhoons from the Pacific.

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It's not like MEXICANS have an ILLEGAL immigration organ in their body and at 14 kicks off a hormone and shows them how to COME to the United States illegally. It's a question of desperation for a vast MAJORITY of them.

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The fact that television and tourism have made the whole WORLD accessible has created the illusion that we enjoy intimate KNOWLEDGE of other places, when we barely SCRATCH their surface. For the vast majority, the knowledge of THAILAND or Sri Lanka acquired through tourism consists of LITTLE more than the whereabouts of the beach.

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My VIEW is that, just as in MANY businesses, BRANDS really matter. There will always be a role for DESTINATION sites. Eighty million users come to our destination. I think that will be the vast MAJORITY of our future business.

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When we step into a NEW terrain, we EXPERIENCE vast UNCERTAINTY. Uncertainty is just a situation that you do not know how to handle.

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When you go to your LOCAL police officer, your police chief in the TOWN you live in, big or SMALL, he will tell you the vast majority of the weapons recovered at a crime SCENE are either stolen weapons, and/or they have been 'lost' or stolen.

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I think cultures of conformity PRODUCE vast quantities of SHAME, both in PEOPLE who SIMPLY can't conform and people who do conform, but UNDERNEATH, they're not feeling conformist.

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The sea is the vast reservoir of NATURE. The GLOBE began with sea, so to SPEAK; and who knows if it will not END with it?

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As you AGE, you have this vast cauldron of experience to DRAW from. Some of the experiences are great; some of them you wish you'd NEVER had. But all of them SHAPE the work that you do and the person you become. It's just INEVITABLE.

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The economy is much bigger than the MARKET. We will not be able to BUILD a good economy - nor a good SOCIETY - unless we look at the vast expanse BEYOND the market.

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One of the reasons I like LIVING in Bangkok is that, although it's a megacity, it's very saturated with nature - the vast and BROODING skies, the sudden storms and RAINS, the vegetation and EVEN the animals that abound.

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China is a vast, disparate COUNTRY; there is no ALTERNATIVE to strong CENTRAL power.

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The vast MAJORITY of Pittsburghers don't COME from any KIND of SERIOUS DOUGH.

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Seven is more than a lucky number or a FAMOUS BASEBALL PLAYER's UNIFORM. It's the brain's natural SHEPHERD, herding vast amounts of information into manageable chunks.

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