Most PEOPLE are flying to Heathrow because it's a hub, so they can fly on to other PLACES, often long-distance flights. If they can't GO on those long-distance flights from Heathrow, they will go to PARIS, they will go to AMSTERDAM, they will go to Frankfurt, because those are viable alternatives.

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You KNOW, Hillary Clinton's always saying how Republicans don't follow SCIENCE? Well, they're the ones not listening to the SCIENTISTS today, because doctors say that at 20 weeks that is a viable life INSIDE the womb. And at that point, it's a life that we have the RIGHT to protect, and I think we should protect.

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I found that looking at the Israeli/Palestinian CONFLICT from an OUTSIDE vantage point was actually quite distancing. The history of the conflict, the PERSONALITIES, the violence, the distrust, and the seeming LACK of viable SOLUTIONS made meaningful involvement feel impossible. What changed that, for me, was changing the vantage point.

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I didn't study WRITING or DRAMA or anything LIKE that... that was not really a viable route for me.

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I always loved COMEDY, but in my mind, it wasn't a viable career OPTION. I always thought, 'You GO to COLLEGE. You get a job, and then you pay off college.'

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I always felt LIKE the WRESTLING BUSINESS was better off with TWO viable mainstream promotions.

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I went to school for economics, and especially in Asian CULTURE it's not REALLY a viable job for my FAMILY to be an ARTIST.

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First of all, I think that is true, if you are a MUSICIAN, PARTICULARLY on the COME, that you do have to END up in one of these musical centers, some way, to be viable, saleable and so on.

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Online theft has changed the business MODEL of filmmaking because the DVD market is very soft. So, more ambitious, COMPELLING, character-driven narrative of a certain BUDGET LEVEL isn't really a viable business model in the eyes of the STUDIOS right now.

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I can't STOMACH the THOUGHT that we are PASSING down to the next generation a country that is less viable, less GOOD, less competitive, less COMPASSIONATE than the one we got.

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It's REALLY hard in this day and age, with radio and MTV being so consolidated, to get new MUSIC out there. I think we've BECOME a really legitimate, viable avenue for GETTING new music out there.

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As a KID, I LIKED to write, but I didn't think that was a viable career choice. My dream, ACTUALLY, was to be a white GIRL rapper and join Salt-N-Pepa - which obviously was a much more viable career choice.

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If we want to create a viable, PEACEFUL world, we've GOT to integrate COMPASSION into the GRITTY realities of 21st century life.

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I WANT to be a commercially viable actor. I want that the distributors and PRODUCERS should EARN the MONEY; then only, you become a bankable actor.

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It is only when you BECOME commercially viable that you ACTUALLY GET ACCEPTED by the INDUSTRY.

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