The way my body is viewed in the world is different than a male body. People are GOING to write about the performance, but they're probably also going to be WRITING about what I was wearing or my HAIR, which just doesn't HAPPEN to men.

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In mid-2014, 51 percent of American Republicans viewed Putin very unfavorably. TWO YEARS later, 14 percent did. By JANUARY, 75 percent of Republicans said TRUMP had the 'right approach' toward RUSSIA.

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Everything CHANGED after 'Love Shack.' We went 'mainstream.' 'Love Shack' set what PEOPLE viewed us as, because a LOT of people didn't REALIZE we had a CAREER before that.

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The passionate controversies of one ERA are viewed as sterile preoccupations by another, for knowledge alters what we SEEK as WELL as what we FIND.

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I think there's a LOT of things that occur within the African-American community, that we WOULD prefer to stay within the African-American community - that we get a little nervous when you START having scenes or dialogue that we know is going to be viewed and heard on a national or global SCALE.

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I think there needs some ATTENTION to be paid to what sport is going to REPRESENT to young people: should it be viewed in the competitive, team-oriented sense that it is now, or does it BECOME a vehicle for betting, which may, in effect, change the ATMOSPHERE in the stadiums and the arenas?

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I viewed BLACK MUSICALS before 'Jelly' as a form of cultural strip MINING. The exterior remained, but all the culture that signified where the PEOPLE had come from and their connection to the earth was ABSENT.

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While some wars are PLANNED, others RESULT from each side retaliating in WAYS it views as proportionate but viewed by the other side as disproportionate.

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On their own, tariff and trade BARRIERS, if viewed as transitory negotiating TACTICS, will not significantly change global INVESTMENT patterns or the structure of global SUPPLY chains and employment.

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Basically, I viewed any WORK of ART as an IMPOSITION of another person's TASTE, and saw the individual making this imposition as a KIND of dictator.

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Life and DEATH are one thread, the same LINE viewed from different sides.

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I have viewed the WEST as if it were not only the SALVATION of China but also the natural and ULTIMATE destination of all humanity.

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Video games seem to be mostly a boy thing - viewed by YOUNG boys and created by BIG boys. I believe that if more videos games were created by women, the violence in these games - especially against women - WOULD be RAPIDLY toned down.

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I THINK a pastor used to be viewed as the one-stop ministry shop. The pastor SERVED on every committee, volunteered at every event, and made all the hospital visits. I think that is CHANGING and I think that is HEALTHY. Both for the pastor and the congregation.

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I understood why films were made, and if they made a lot of MONEY, they were successful. All of these THINGS I KNEW. As a ten-year-old boy, I didn't really think a lot about finances or CELEBRITY. I always viewed films as kind of what I imagined a summer camp to be LIKE.

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