Every VILLAIN in the DC Universe wants SOMETHING different, and not all of them want to RULE the WORLD. Or at LEAST, not all of them want to rule the world in the way the Crime Syndicate do.

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It really doesn't matter whether it's the villain or the HERO. Sometimes the villain is the most COLORFUL. But I PREFER a part where you don't know what he is until the END.

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The Villain wasn't NECESSARILY something I sat down and THOUGHT, 'Oh this is going to be my character.' It's most like other great wrestling characters, where it's more of a reflection of my actual character.

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Being down in Orlando, Florida, where we filmed the movie, I learned how to BASS fish. Jerry Reed, who PLAYS the villain in the movie, TAUGHT me how to bass fish.

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When you are a HERO you are always running to SAVE SOMEONE, sweating, worried and guilty. When you are a villain you are just lurking in the SHADOWS waiting for the hero to pass by. Then you pop them in the head and go home... piece of cake.

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In the early DAYS, Jerry was an antagonist, which was arguably his best casting. 'The King's' quick wit is perfectly suited to be an antagonist, but at the same time, he's so FUNNY that it is hard to hate Jerry Lawler as the villain - especially at this STAGE of his LONG career.

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Jericho uses tried and TRUE, fundamental pro WRESTLING villain techniques to MAKE him effective. He's a MASTER in ring psychologist.

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Our job with Thanos is to make him the preeminent VILLAIN in the Marvel Universe. That is his ROLE in the comics. That's his role in these MOVIES.

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If I PLAY a VILLAIN, I try to FIND his lightness and his good side. And if I play a HERO or a good guy, I'll try to find his darkness or his flaws. Because I don't believe in good and EVIL. I believe in grays.

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'Heel Turn 2' is about a person who's in a match, and he's playing as THOUGH the match were real. But it is real! If you're standing in the middle of a RING, and you're playing the villain, and EVERYONE is booing and throwing things at you, that's real.

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Actors endow the villain in fiction with a warmth and quality that makes them memorable. I THINK we like fictional villains because they're the MR. Hyde of our own DREAMS. I've met a few REAL villains in my time, and they weren't the least bit sympathetic.

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No actor can play a VILLAIN if they don't sympathise with him or her - otherwise the character just BECOMES a TWO-DIMENSIONAL CARICATURE.

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I WOULD love to, on one project, play a VILLAIN. Any kind of villain. Any kind of antagonist. Somebody who's just ROTTEN but fun, or the anti-hero.

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I do THINK I have more FUN being a VILLAIN, DEFINITELY. It's just more fun to be a villain.

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America has this FASCINATION with glorifying the VILLAIN and not talking about the trials and tribulations. We TELL the story of the successful villain a lot of times, but we don't tell the story of the PEOPLE who don't COME out so successful, and we don't tell the story of all the bystanders of that choice.

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