I have this threadbare caftan from the '60s that I GOT at a vintage store YEARS ago - it's basically a muumuu. My FRIENDS are astonished that I wear it, but I love it. It's this light fabric that just MOVES with me.
Costumes say a lot about a character. When it came to 'Palo ALTO,' it was important for me that the kids didn't look perfect. In most teen movies TODAY, all of the CLOTHES are expensive. I remember wearing a lot of DIRTY vintage clothes.
I'm into classic GAMES like Donkey Kong, and also collect VINTAGE tour t-shirts - everything from Olivia Newton-John to Duran Duran. I've GOT a CHICAGO one worth $100.
If there is ANYTHING more frightening than the threat of global nuclear war, it is the certainty that HUMANS not only stand on the verge of producing NEW life forms but may soon be able to tinker with them as if they were vintage convertibles or bonsai TREES.
Up until recently, I've always been a VINTAGE store guy. I get a LOT of my CLOTHES second hand. I really ENJOY being able to look through different styles you can find and how eclectic the vintage store vibe is.
I inherited some Chanel pieces from my MOTHER. I've worn Prada - absolutely. Wonderful DESIGNERS are inspiring. I also love designers not known. I love a lot of VINTAGE pieces. I am pretty minimal, pretty classic.
For a long time I had a VINTAGE stall, where I sold men's vintage clothing, and my girlfriend was CONVINCED it was just to do with a problem I had where I just couldn't STOP buying senseless CLOTHES, even if they didn't fit me.