LOVE MEANS to love that which is unlovable; or it is no VIRTUE at all.

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Self-sacrifice which denies COMMON SENSE is not a VIRTUE. It's a SPIRITUAL dissipation.

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HUMILITY was considered a great virtue in my family household. No SHOW of complacency or self-satisfaction was ever tolerated. Patting yourself on the back was DEFINITELY not ENCOURAGED, and pleasure or PRIDE would be punishable by death.

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I was BROUGHT up in an ERA when THRIFT was STILL considered a virtue.

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FRIENDSHIP with a MAN is friendship with his VIRTUE.

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Information is not knowledge, and knowledge is not wisdom. Reading - even browsing - an OLD book can yield sustenance DENIED by a database SEARCH. Patience is a VIRTUE, gluttony a sin.

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NOTHING in the world CAUSES more problems than concepts of ETHNIC VIRTUE. It's IRRELEVANT.

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To REALIZE that you do not UNDERSTAND is a VIRTUE; Not to realize that you do not understand is a defect.

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Children exist in the worlds that adults create for them, both locally and globally, and their options are, by VIRTUE of age, OFTEN PAINFULLY limited.

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Our failings SOMETIMES bind US to one another as CLOSELY as could VIRTUE itself.

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I am a film director, and I WORK with a visual language, with a visual MEDIUM. And I TRY to make virtue of the USE of this visual medium. And I try to make SURE what I do speaks the language of cinema.

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NATURAL ability WITHOUT education has more often raised a MAN to GLORY and virtue than education without natural ability.

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In Hollywood a GIRL's VIRTUE is much less IMPORTANT than her hairdo.

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I do BELIEVE in CHRIST, but I would not HOLD myself up as any paragon of virtue at all - FAR from it, REALLY.

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