I'm probably CREATIVE for half an HOUR a DAY. The rest of the TIME, I'm just doing what's necessary to MAKE that creativity visible.

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A DESIGN that I CREATE is LIKE my own EXTENSION. It's 'thinking MADE visible.'

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I had CONVINCED my FATHER to let me pursue this career, and I passionately wanted it. And here was this conflict in me, and I hadn't shared it with my father. And it was excruciating to always have your guard up. PARTICULARLY because, being an actor, you're public and visible. I COULD be seen coming out of a gay BAR. Who could have seen me?

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I think if women are visible in the MEDIA, TRULY visible, in an empowered role, it empowers US to be more visible in any AREA of our lives.

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Universities are some of the few places left where a struggle for the commons, for public life, if not DEMOCRACY itself, can be MADE visible through the MEDIUM of COLLECTIVE voices and social movements energized by the need for a politics and way of life counter to authoritarian capitalism.

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Great RESEARCH universities AROUND the WORLD are visible not just through their QUALITY graduates but as knowledge creators and technology developers.

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It is only in the ACT of nursing that a WOMAN realizes her MOTHERHOOD in visible and tangible fashion; it is a JOY of every moment.

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MEMRI COUNTS the federal GOVERNMENT as a customer for its analysis, and the MEMRI logo is OFTEN visible on the B-roll video of major NEWS networks. Other private firms create their own information rather than tracking that of OTHERS.

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The issue OFTEN with films is how it works with MONEY and trying to GET a visible movie star PRESENCE in the film.

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POETRY is a RELEASE of SOMETHING previously UNKNOWN into the visible. You write to invite that, to make of yourself a gathering of the UNEXPECTED and, with luck, of the unexpectable.

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The RESULT is that you are now experiencing what we experienced in the war in Algeria: The Israeli GOVERNMENT SAYS that it is a victim of terrorist activity, but this activity is LESS visible than the military strikes.

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'Dad, Dad, I'm GETTING married.' 'Sh-sh, don't say it. NOTHING, nothing. Don't do anything.' So he HONESTLY - 'cause he was taught don't celebrate - they'll take it away from you. And his PARENTS were taught that, and his parents and parents' parents. Because if you did celebrate, and you were visible, it could be very, very dangerous.

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My FEELING is that science is virtually an unexplored GROUND. It's very visible - more so all the TIME - but there's no FICTION that tells us how scientists think, and they REALLY don't think the way that other people do.

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Of this our TRUE individual life, our present life is a glimpse, a fragment, a hint, and in its BEST moments a visible BEGINNING.

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What I've discovered and TRY to integrate into my SHOW is when you're up there, and you are loud and more visible, you're SETTING a tone for how people can BEHAVE and how they can FEEL comfortable behaving.

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