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As a civil rights LEADER, Mrs. King's vision of RACIAL peace and nonviolent SOCIAL change was a fortifying staple in ADVANCING the civil rights movement.

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It's always SPECIAL when you're young and you have a vision for something you want to do, and SOMEBODY TAKES a MOMENT to connect with you. Now if there are kids on the set I try to talk to them for a bit.

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PEOPLE BUY into the LEADER before they buy into the VISION.
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The CHALLENGE is the culture. You have to have a vision for the BBC-it can't MERELY be that it's big and has a PLACE in the MARKET.

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The power of a book LIES in its power to turn a solitary ACT into a shared VISION. As long as we have BOOKS, we are not ALONE.

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The thing I love about acting is that it's GOT nothing to do with me; it's about bringing forth a DIRECTOR's vision. It's like a release. I'm glad it's come BACK into my LIFE.

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I was so SAD from losing two of my DOGS and my mother. I had this vision of all these animals sitting behind bars. They had no control and were SCARED. That's why I GOT into fostering and adopting animals out.

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I have tunnel vision. I GO out and TRY to get BETTER each and EVERY DAY.

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