Sometimes I WANT to have a mental BOOK burning that would scour my MIND CLEAN of all the filthy VISIONS literature has conjured there. But how to do without 'The Illiad?' How to do without 'Macbeth?'

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By dismantling the narrow politics of racial IDENTITY and selective self-interest, by going beyond 'black' and 'white,' we may CONSTRUCT new values, new INSTITUTIONS and new VISIONS of an America beyond traditional racial categories and racial oppression.

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I'm always LOOKING to create new avenues or new visions of MUSIC.

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In a lot of ways, the cool THING about modeling is that other people and ARTISTS I LOOK up to are able to project their artistic visions onto me, and it was REALLY exciting to be a muse in that way and CARRY out a vision.

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I didn't DICTATE sections of 'Visions of Cody.' I typed up a segment of taped CONVERSATION with Neal Cassady, or Cody, TALKING about his EARLY ADVENTURES in L.A.

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Today the traveller on the Nile enters a wonderland at WHOSE GATES RISE the colossal pyramids of which he has had visions PERHAPS from earliest childhood.

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One of the nice things about books as opposed to TELEVISION and movies to some extent is it's not a passive entertainment. PEOPLE REALLY do get involved, and they do create, and they do have their own visions of what different CHARACTERS look like and what should happen. It's great - it means their brains are working.

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I have OFTEN had apparitions of hosts of serpents with heads at their tails, but not one was able to BITE me; and MANY other VISIONS.

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When I was younger, I wish I would have been told more OFTEN that I was RIGHT and nothing was wrong with me, that I was deserving of EVERYTHING this world has to offer, and that my visions for my future were WORTHY of pursuit.

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EIGHTY percent of what everyone's talking about never happens. I don't mean in terms of PRODUCT development that's HAPPENING right now, I'm talking about the far-flung VISIONS of the future.

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I thought we had OPPOSITE VISIONS of electronic music. Tangerine DREAM and Kraftwerk had a very ROBOTIC, MECHANICAL approach. I had a more impressionist vision - a Ravel/Debussy approach.

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Working with friends isn't EASY - the nature of an artistic PROJECT means it's about TWO strong visions colliding and a bit of MENTAL wrestling.

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I WANTED to work with people from the WORLD, with different MINDS and different visions.

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Sometimes we'll WALK into a SET, and I'll think, 'Oh, this film doesn't look LIKE this.' You know, 'cause I read the script, and I saw it in my head in some other way. Which is a lot like what happens when they're WRITING a movie that's based on a book - I'm like, 'Ah! He doesn't have a BEARD.' You have these visions in your head about it.

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I take a pretty expansive view of CRAFT, which is to say I don't SEE craft as just being technique - it's also process; subject; ideas and feelings; visions and DREAMS; the words that are put down and the words that are AVOIDED.

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