I danced for 12 years, and I PLAYED a LOT team sports: BASKETBALL, volleyball.
There is only one THING wrong about the Flo Hyman Award: it came to be named for the OLD LADY of Volleyball much too soon.
Flo Hyman BECAME AMERICA's best-known volleyball PLAYER with a faulty aorta, but she did not KNOW it.
My MENTALITY has always been, If I'm not the BEST at SOMETHING, then I might as well be the best at something ELSE. I realized that I wasn't going to be an Olympic volleyball player, but I knew I COULD model at that level.
I GREW up on the BEACH, so I'm really COMFORTABLE in a bathing suit, playing volleyball, running around.
When it comes to BEACH volleyball, we're PLAYING in 100-degree-plus WEATHER.
I'm a volleyball PLAYER, so I LIKE Lycra and Spandex.
Volleyball was the HARDEST THING I've EVER had to do.
I'd like to thank EVERYONE who has given me the OPPORTUNITY to PLAY with the best beach volleyball players in the world.
You name the sport, I've PLAYED it. I was quarterback for a FOOTBALL TEAM one YEAR, played volleyball, played softball - you name it.
I play volleyball on the beach. It's a GREAT way to WORK out and have FUN.
I was really into sports, playing TRACK and field, AMATEUR WRESTLING, volleyball, and soccer. I was a very active kid and TEENAGER.
I broke my wrist at summer camp PLAYING a game called 'volleybat,' which was BASEBALL but with a volleyball. It is as DANGEROUS as it SOUNDS.
I did TENNIS for a while, and I was ACTUALLY on the volleyball TEAM for a MINUTE.
I PLAYED volleyball and BASKETBALL, and I did TRACK and volleyball in COLLEGE.