My father always pretends to hate Christmas. But when we were CHILDREN he was the FIRST one WAKING us up, SAYING: 'Do you THINK Father Christmas has been yet?'

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It's TOUGH WAKING up in the MORNING and READING derogatory STORIES about you.

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It's HARD when the SEASON ENDS and you're not waking up no more for practices, games. You're not in your ROUTINE no more.

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I believe that the market is slowly waking up to the fact that the FEDERAL Reserve is a clueless ORGANIZATION. They have no IDEA what they're doing. And so the confidence level of INVESTORS is diminishing, in my view.

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I recall waking to the REALISATION that I was the best table tennis PLAYER under 17 in north MANCHESTER and parts of BURY. The satisfaction lasted for HALF an hour before I saw into the nothingness of things.

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I was BORN with this LOVE for music, and I say 'born with' because I don't really remember a DAY waking up and deciding that I'm going do to music. It's been all I've EVER DONE and all I've ever wanted to do.

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GIS is waking up the world to the POWER of geography, this science of INTEGRATION, and has the framework for creating a better FUTURE.

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Americans are WAKING up to the TRAGEDY of abortions.

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Doing a STORY about my MUNDANE, WAKING life, how much I don't like my job, or breaking up with someone, I don't think so. Those stories don't interest me that much as a general THING.

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I will alway support ANYBODY being vocal about their mental ILLNESS, how they're dealing with it, and how it affects them. And I'll ALWAYS support people WAKING up and paying attention to that.

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Life's too SHORT to be spending all your WAKING hours doing SOMETHING you're not EXCITED about. And when people are that excited, you can see it in the WORK.

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For me, personally, WAKING up before EVERYONE else in my home allows me to work, respond to emails, or read up on CURRENT events without any DISTRACTIONS.

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There was a time when we were in a van and handing out the CDS at Warped Tour. We had a two-song EP that we were just handing out for FREE just to promote ourselves. That was on the 'Waking the Fallen' RECORD, and we were just going AROUND and handing out the CDs and stuff like that.

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You can definitely TELL the record was made for the time that it was and on the BUDGET that it was. 'Waking the FALLEN,' I mean. We think that it is COOL. It serves its PURPOSE. It serves its time. We don't want to remaster it or anything like that.

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I'd never experienced stress before I did stand-up, and it was a massive SHOCK to my system, this THING of waking up, and the NERVES of, 'You're on stage TONIGHT.'

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