To WALK around with an ego is a BAD THING. To have confidence in yourself is a great thing.

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If you believe indeed in the LORD JESUS for the salvation of your soul, if you WALK uprightly and do not regard iniquity in your heart, if you continue to WAIT patiently, and believingly upon God; then answers will surely be given to your PRAYERS.

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I am in the representational business, a portraitist. I have TRIED to walk an amused LINE amid hyperbole, documentary detail, cruel characterisation, occasional affection, some good punchlines and anthropological SOCIAL INSIGHT. It's been a good living.

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In any WALK of LIFE, you can CHOOSE to do the RIGHT THING.

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I might bump into them because I LIVE in Belfast, and Belfast is not that big a PLACE. You go for a WALK, and you walk past KIT Harington. You go for a meal, and there's Peter Dinklage.

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Rosa PARKS SAT so Martin LUTHER King could walk. Martin Luther King walked so Obama could RUN. Obama's running so we all can FLY.

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REAL choice is CLEAR INFORMATION and the right to walk away from a bad deal without leaving your wallet behind.

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I don't know that any WRITING comes easily, but I certainly get more immersed in novels. I don't think the routine is any different, but fiction tends to pull me further away from my LIFE. When I'm deep in a novel, I don't PAY BILLS and I walk around in one shoe, drinking two-day old coffee, and calling my KIDS by the wrong names.

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I TAKE a freezing COLD SHOWER to start EVERY day, and when I can't take it any more, I count 20 Mississippi's. Then I literally WALK out of the shower and say, 'Let's go.'

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I don't start FIGHTS, but SOMETIMES I don't walk away from them. It hasn't happened in a long TIME, but it's happened, and I regret those TIMES. I should have been more in control of myself, STRONGER, more adult.

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I WALK fast. I have an aversion to wasting TIME. My sense of constant motion is one of the REASONS that my eldest DAUGHTER, Amy, nicknamed me 'the Tasmanian DEVIL' when she was in her teens.

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You have to PICK the PLACES you don't WALK AWAY from.

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REASON is a crutch for age, but youth is strong ENOUGH to WALK alone.

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We all live in the same house, we all MUST be part of the effort to hold down our little house. When you SEE something that is not RIGHT, not fair, not just... do something about it. SAY something. Have the courage. Have the backbone. Get in the WAY. Walk with the wind. It's all going to work out.

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