It's MAN's nature to ABUSE knowledge and POWER, be it in the realm of science, government, or WALL Street. Take God out of the picture, and you have REAL trouble.

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We don't have SALES trading, brokerage, CAPITAL lending - any of those KINDS of things that got some of the WALL Street firms a LITTLE bit in trouble.

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Two opposite and instructive figures in U.S. journalism during the Trump YEARS are Gerard Baker, EDITOR of the Wall Street JOURNAL, and Martin Baron, editor of the Washington POST.

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What we do is we test what WORKS on Wall STREET. And sometimes it is earnings MOMENTUM, and sometimes it's earnings surprises. Sometimes it's price-to-sales cash flow, and then we put together our stock SELECTION models.

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Wall STREET wants to KEEP its schemes too complicated to UNDERSTAND so that the roulette wheel can keep turning.

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The reality is that the institutional framework in which Wall STREET operates is fundamentally inappropriate, and it inevitably generates violent fluctuations of the MARKET.

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Second of all, I don't think Wall STREET is doing what it's SUPPOSED to be doing, even after the SHAMEFUL PERFORMANCE of the last two YEARS. They're are not allocating capital.

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While short sellers probably will never be popular on Wall STREET, they often are the ONES WEARING the WHITE hats when it comes to looking for and identifying the bad guys!

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Everything that happens on WALL STREET only fortifies my OPINION that there is in fact a more LUDICROUS industry than the ENTERTAINMENT industry.

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Although we work through FINANCIAL markets, our GOAL is to help Main STREET, not WALL Street.

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I think PEOPLE can learn from my experience - you KNOW, any YOUNG people who are under pressure, whether you work on Wall Street or you work in a FACTORY in ALABAMA, and young journalists.

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Before comedy, I worked at a tech company, and before that, I worked on WALL STREET. And, HONESTLY, I've NEVER really been sexually harassed.

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But the good news is that out in the countryside, just about every place that's GOT a zip code has SOMEBODY or some GROUP of people battling the economic and political EXCLUSION that WALL Street and Washington are shoving down our throats.

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They'd RATHER see Scooby Doo or Spongebob than Daddy talking about the latest Wall Street JOURNAL editorial. You do what you have to do to GET your kids ready for school.

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There are a LOT of ETHICAL firms on WALL STREET.

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