I WOULD RUN through BRICK WALLS for Spurs.

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Reinforced concrete BUILDINGS are by NATURE skeletal buildings. No NOODLES nor armoured turrets. A construction of girders that carry the weight, and walls that carry no weight. That is to say, buildings consisting of skin and bones.

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In a small powder room, the inclination is to GO with a LIGHT wall color. My trick is to do the opposite - such as a patterned wallpaper or a deep color on the walls. It's more interesting and makes a design statement.

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It's considered a coup to become a LEAD on a kind of cutting-edge television series. I mean, that's a PLUS for your feature FILM career and for your career in general. There are no WALLS anymore between the two.

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I can't do one thing at a time. If I'm WRITING song lyrics, I've GOT to be doing the IRONING or cooking or SOMETHING while I'm working. If I just sit there and stare at the walls, I GET nothing.

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The most IMPORTANT JOB you'll EVER have is in the WALLS of your own HOME.

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The brain is suspended in a kind of THICK jelly inside the SKULL, and a HELMET can't keep it from sloshing around. If you HIT your head HARD enough, the brain goes bashing against the walls of the skull.

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Urs Fischer specializes in making JAWS drop. Cutting giant holes in gallery walls, digging a crater in Gavin Brown's gallery floor in 2007, creating AMAZING hyperrealist wallpaper for a group show at Tony Shafrazi: It all percolates with uncanny destructiveness, operatic uncontrollability, and BARBARIC sculptural power.

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The WALLS we BUILD AROUND US to keep sadness out ALSO keeps out the joy.

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I WOULD say the country is a different country. It is a better country. The signs I SAW when I was GROWING up are GONE and they will not return. In many ways the walls of segregation have been torn down.

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I was writing fiction in my 20s but in a pretty undisciplined way - late at night, maybe, after I'd peeled myself from the WALLS of a nightclub and crawled HOME along the gutters. But I SLOWLY BECAME more serious and more devout in my work, and I FELL seriously in love with the short story form.

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PEOPLE don't WANT to hear about me having leather walls or gold toilets.
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I told college I was gonna take a semester off, but I knew I was NEVER going back. I FELT LIKE the WALLS were closing in on me.

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The blues is the foundation, and it's GOT to carry the TOP. The other part of the SCENE, the ROCK 'n' roll and the JAZZ, are the walls of the blues.

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