It's been my EXPERIENCE that SUCCESS in GOLF comes from not letting your mind wander from the shot you're about to HIT.

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I LOVE being a MOM. But there's a certain KIND of tedium to your life when your kid is YOUNG. Writing allows you to WANDER when your kid is napping in a crib ten feet away. So that's the great joy of writing fiction for me.

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When I'm old I SHALL give up writing the big stuff and shall wander round the PARK THINKING of SONGS.

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I was ALLOWED to wander where I could. Here is a case in which you search for your independence and allow SOMETHING CREATIVE to come out of that.

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PARK women, properly so called, are those DEGRADED CREATURES, utterly lost to all sense of shame, who wander about the paths most frequented after nightfall in the Parks, and CONSENT to any species of humiliation for the SAKE of acquiring a few shillings.
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A book tour is not a good OPPORTUNITY to let your MIND wander. You have to PAY attention, remember salespeople's and interviewers' NAMES, succinctly summarize your book in a 'selling' WAY, and so on.

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When they talk of GHOSTS of the dead who WANDER in the NIGHT with THINGS still undone in LIFE, they approximate my subjective experience of this life.

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If you're becoming WEARY and disillusioned with Australian values, Judeo-Christian values or WESTERN civilisation, I recommend strangers - they're such a glorious, redeeming WILDERNESS to wander into.

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Think how different it is to experience a word than a sound. When you're HEARING a SINGER, you're controlled by the words, because you understand the language, you know what they're talking about, and you're forced to think about what they're talking about. But when you're hearing that same THING WITHOUT a word, you're free to wander.

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Had Cain been Scot, God WOULD have changed his DOOM nor FORCED him wander, but confine him HOME.

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I can usually find my own WAY out of whatever dicey literary or linguistic SITUATIONS I wander into, but I have to WORK MUCH harder at the SCIENCE.

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I've only fallen in love once, and once was ENOUGH for me, but that doesn't mean my EYES won't wander, and it doesn't mean I won't flirt!

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Glasgow is a strange PLACE. If you don't have SOMEONE close to you looking out for you, your HEAD will wander.

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It is QUITE cruel that a POET cannot wander through his regions of enchantment without having a critic, FOREVER, like the old man of the SEA, upon his back.

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Why do people so LOVE to WANDER? I think the civilized parts of the World will suffice for me in the FUTURE.

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