I was QUITE small; then I had a big GROWTH spurt that led to a PROBLEM with my back, which STOPPED me playing for a while. My bones were GROWING too quick for my weight.

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When I FIRST went to VISIT DIFFERENT agencies in NEW York, a lot of them were like, 'You have to lose a lot of weight.'

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Rome is a place ALMOST worn out by being LOOKED at, a CITY collapsing under the weight of REFERENCE.

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Courage - you DEVELOP courage by doing small things like just as if you wouldn't WANT to pick up a 100-pound WEIGHT WITHOUT preparing yourself.

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I have to confess that there have been some times when I was less than glad to be a minister, and some Sundays STILL when I tremble under the weight of TRYING to SPEAK a WORD for GOD.

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There is nothing BETTER than to make it to the COLLEGE World Series. All of the extra reps in the weight room, all of the early MORNING practices, and all the hard WORK spent the entire year makes it WORTH it.

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I never have a PROBLEM with the WEIGHT CUT. My NUMBER one enemy is injuries because I train so hard.

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I just have to KEEP WORKING, just STAY on top of my GAME, stay on top of my weight and stay prayed up.

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I THINK we should PUT the same WEIGHT now on the co-factors as we have on HIV.

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The BIGGEST MISTAKE people make is to try to lose too much WEIGHT too fast.

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The 'Doom' THING is to be ABLE to COME at things with a different point of VIEW. I decided the mask would just add to the mystique of the character as well as make Doom stand out. I though it'd be an easy WAY for people to see and differentiate between characters, sorta like when an actor gains weight for a role.

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