I WELCOME the role that people of FAITH play in building BRITAIN's future - and the CATHOLIC communion in particular is to be congratulated for so often being the conscience of our country, for helping 'the least of these' even when bearing witness to the truth is hard or UNPOPULAR.

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We are MAKING music for the HUMAN race, and EVEN BEINGS from other GALAXIES are welcome to vibe with us.

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Moving to INDIA was CHALLENGING being a foreigner. I don't have any family here. I didn't have anyone to guide me. But I NEVER felt for a SECOND that I am not welcome here.

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I want you to HEAR a new VERSION of Dueling Banjos. Anyone else is welcome.

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It's not that complicated. If you hear something and it makes you WANT to hear it again, that's the ticket. You have to be lucky ENOUGH to FIND geniuses, WELCOME them and get out of their WAY.

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I'm going to write MUSIC that's APPROPRIATE to my age. And if younger people WANT to come along with me, they're WELCOME to.

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It's NICE to have a LOT of people in the FIELD. Independent, third PARTY, Libertarian, Reform and other party candidates can do what they want to do. I welcome them to the race.

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As a YOUNGSTER, I used to try to pick up any BITS of wisdom about the guitar I COULD. It's not like now where you have books and books about every ASPECT of anything. Any little pearl of wisdom was WELCOME back then.

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'Welcome to the Dollhouse' is great. Even though it's about a girl in middle school, to me, that feels LIKE the most honest REFLECTION of what being a kid AROUND that AGE feels like.

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China continues to WELCOME foreign investment, and the DOOR will OPEN even further.

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When I CHECK in at the Encore, they're LIKE, 'Welcome back, sir.' I'm back HOME, it's like my SECOND home.

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Aaron and I will be joined at the hip until the day we die. We have LOVED and hated each other since the day he was born. He's very much a part of my HEART. He's GOING to broadcasting COLLEGE now, and he'll do FINE. But he came into a world that did not welcome him.

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Not many DICTATORS announce their RESIGNATION, but I did because I didn't WANT to stay on and overstay my WELCOME.

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DESPISE not DEATH, but welcome it, for NATURE wills it LIKE all ELSE.

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