The STORIES that are most unfamiliar, the ones that seem to come out of the blue about PEOPLE that aren't well known, usually come from PRODUCERS that have really done a lot of homework and LOOKED around. Other stories come from the correspondents.

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It's not a bad problem to have because a LOT of CLASSIC acts are known for one or two songs and in their SHOW they basically hold those songs off until the end and you sit through an hour or so of lesser known material but in our CASE most of the songs are well known.

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I was a STUDENT at HARVARD, and that's where I learned about so-called avant-garde music. Jackson Pollock, abstract expressionism and painting were WELL KNOWN at this TIME.

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MAYBE at some POINT, I will come out with my #MeToo story. Very well known and important people have tried to TAKE advantage of me or have misbehaved. They are still around. When I want to NAME them, I will name them. It will not be one name, there will be QUITE a few names.
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If it wasn't for the INTERNET, I wouldn't be here. I'd probably be RAPPING, but I wouldn't be WELL KNOWN if it wasn't for the Internet.

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I started ACTING when I was 5 YEARS OLD. And I was pretty well KNOWN for a while. Your self-esteem and your identity start to become wrapped up in that celebrity, and when that starts to FADE away, your self-esteem and your identity start to fade away with it.

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Hillary Clinton has her own ISSUES with just her own ARROGANCE as a LEADER; that has been WELL KNOWN for a long time.

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I think I felt that I was very WELL known for my figure and needed to keep that up for my work. And I REGRET all of it. I felt FRAUDULENT and very SHAMEFUL.

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It is a well KNOWN urban myth that the FRENCH don't TRUST BANKS and store their money under their mattress. It's not that they are tight with money - they just don't trust anyone.

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I do have CHARACTERS who are more WELL KNOWN than I am, which SUITS me FINE.

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'Marie Claire' is one of those MAGAZINES that doesn't FEEL as WELL KNOWN as it should be.

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My father is a WELL KNOWN artist, Ted Dyer, who has been painting for many years. Our work is very DIFFERENT, but growing up surrounded by paintings, paints, easels and art books does have an effect.

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The STORY of how Chile, in the decades after its 1973 COUP and death of democratically ELECTED socialist president Salvador Allende, BECAME one of the most neoliberal societies on the planet is well known.

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As my career has gone on, I guess I've become more well known. I'm PLAYING to FULLER HALLS in general, which is a nice FEELING. When you're doing that, you're going to have a certain number of people who are not just the hardcore classical fanatics, and this MAKES me very happy.

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You really have to be ambitious and have that drive to really BECOME WELL known and SUCCESSFUL as a STANDUP.

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