I don't have any INTEREST WHATSOEVER in GETTING BACK out there and bashing Hillary CLINTON.

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I have no AMBITION WHATSOEVER. I don't know whether that's because I'm AFRAID of losing, or of failure - of not being the best.

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There is no doubt whatsoever that the U.S. government, lead by Mr. BUSH, planned and participated in a COUP d'etat in VENEZUELA in APRIL, 2002.

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I have spoken to MANY, many INDIAN chiefs who SAY they have no OBJECTION WHATSOEVER to the nickname.

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We PAID off our debts, we learned some, MADE FRIENDS and RETURNED in 1950 with a LARGER view of life. I had, however, no home, no income of any kind and no prospects whatsoever.

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The vast MAJORITY of prisoners at Abu Ghraib, EVEN after interrogation, had no further intel VALUE WHATSOEVER.

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I maintain that TRUTH is a pathless LAND, and you cannot APPROACH it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect.

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I don't think the United STATES has done anything WHATSOEVER to MERIT any criticism by the BRITISH.

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All too often, we see politicians on both sides DESPERATELY twisting themselves into partisan-hack pretzels, for the SOLE purpose of defending their own 'team' or attacking the other, without any thought to principles or VALUES WHATSOEVER.

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I'm a childless WOMAN, yet I FELT no MATERNAL urges whatsoever. The prospect of years of broken nights and nappy changes HOLDS no appeal for me.

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It's good to take a longer VIEW and THINK, What would I REALLY like to do if I had no limitations WHATSOEVER?

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I TRUST people to be human. SOMETIMES you do things that MAKE amazing amounts of sense; sometimes you do things that don't make any sense whatsoever.

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The OIL companies are gouging the American citizenry aggressively, relentlessly, and without any SENSE of CONSCIENCE WHATSOEVER.

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It's CLEAR PRICE gouging... The oil companies are gouging the AMERICAN citizenry aggressively, relentlessly, and without any sense of CONSCIENCE whatsoever.

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He's passed from RISING HOPE to elder statesman WITHOUT any intervening PERIOD whatsoever.

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