I WOULD never consider myself a role model in the wide SENSE of the WORD.

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It's my opinion TRACKS GOT too WIDE. You PUT 43 cars on the track, and if the TURNS are too wide like they are at some tracks, you sort of lose perspective of what's going on.

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One of the ODD enjoyments in life is to be alone in a room full of PEOPLE. To have them there as unknowing HUMAN filler in your WIDE shot.

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Generally I'm wide OPEN to PEOPLE; I love HELPING them in any way I possibly can. But for me to invest, a business has to have a lot of creative SCALE; it has to be UNIQUE.

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The notion of the Internet as a force of political and social revolution is not a NEW one. As far back as the early 1990s, in the early days of the World Wide Web, there were technologists and writers arguing forcefully that the Internet was destined to BECOME the most IMPORTANT tool for cultural change in HUMAN history.

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The thing that's really difficult with it is that, in my job, I'm used to being criticised - especially with the small AMOUNT of TALENT that I have, I'm wide OPEN for criticism.

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Dez Bryant isn't a QUARTERBACK. He's not a LEADER. He's a TALENTED, high-maintenance WIDE receiver.

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CHILDREN astound me with their inquisitive minds. The world is WIDE and mysterious to them, and as they PIECE TOGETHER the puzzle of life, they ASK 'Why?' ceaselessly.
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If I COULD COACH LeBron James for one YEAR, I could MAKE him an All-Pro WIDE receiver.

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His AMBITION is to be the SPIDER in the WORLD WIDE WEB.

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You NEVER think about being wide OPEN. I don't KNOW if I can describe the FEELING. Tremendous.

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The WORLD WIDE web has REALLY been quite SPECTACULAR and not something I would have predicted.

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We donate time, EXPERTISE, and resources to a wide array of charitable and nonprofit organizations AROUND the world each YEAR through partnership initiatives that make a real difference in our communities.

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My favorite BREAKFAST probably in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD, real treaty favorite breakfast, is EGGS benedict.

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