I've always been into music. I used to DJ. I used to mix reggae and that. I used to be into reggae HARD. WELL first it was rap, then reggae, then rap again, then rap and reggae. But I was always DJing out my window for the whole estate. Everyone used to SIT outside and all and listen. And I used to be RUNNING rhythms in that.

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Now, if SOMEONE WANTS to spit on me, I just ROLL up the WINDOW of my BMW 540i.

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I was dyslexic and didn't know it until I was 31. Couldn't do math, SPELL, or TELL LEFT from right - left was the elbow that STUCK out the window while I drove.

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I like STORIES where it feels like you're only seeing a SMALL window of a BIGGER WORLD.

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I think every athlete has their WINDOW of opportunity, and you just have to jump on it. You never KNOW when it can END. So I'm just TRYING to live large while I have the opportunity.

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I used to be a window CLEANER. I GOT fired because I sometimes liked to drink the soapy WATER.

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I COULD PUT my thumb up to a window and completely hide the EARTH. I THOUGHT, 'Everything I've ever known is BEHIND my thumb.'

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In 1972, I climbed out of my bedroom window and ran AWAY from home with my OLDER SISTER and her friends to GO to the infamous Sunbury rock festival.

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I was KIND of secretly hoping one of my kids would go out and make a MILLION bucks. So when they put me in a home, at LEAST I'll have a window with a VIEW.

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I've come to REALIZE that you live on through recordings; they're like a MUSICAL DIARY, a window into somebody's SOUL.

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Traditional Chinese art looked at the Earth from a Confucian mountain top; JAPANESE art looked CLOSELY around screens; Italian RENAISSANCE art surveyed CONQUERED nature through the window or door-frame of a palace. For the Cro-Magnons, space is a metaphysical arena of continually intermittent APPEARANCES and disappearances.

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After I had DONE the first 'Pirates' movie and 'Secret Window,' I went on vacation to escape with my kiddies and my girl, and SOMEONE SAID that there was an ISLAND down the road for sale. I said, 'Oh WELL, let's go see it.' I looked at it, I walked on it, and I was done. It had to be.

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All along, I've been writing about our FEARS, our longings, our fantasies, our ambivalences. When I decided to STUDY psychoanalysis, I did it because I wanted to UNDERSTAND the psychodynamics of it all. Though far from perfect, psychoanalysis OFFERED me a huge, wonderful window on all that.

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One thing I love about being back is ENGLISH RAIN. Looking out of the window now, it's RAINING, and the SKY is dark; I love it. To me, those are reassuringly English things. I love it when it rains.

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The detached OBSERVER's VIEW is one WINDOW on the WORLD.

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