I was in Peru and visited a building NEAR Lima BUILT by the Incas. It was low in height, with no windows at all, but all the way in the back there was AIR movement. And I couldn't figure out how they'd DONE it; it was INCREDIBLE.

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My FATHER probably - he had flashes of CREATIVITY - he used to do STORE windows for fruit STORES that he worked in and stuff.

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In L.A. you HEAR all these STORIES of PEOPLE being filmed in their own homes through their windows. I THINK that is so SCARY.

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I did some research once on the way PEOPLE in the past imagined the YEAR 2000. They tended to PICTURE the things they already had GETTING more sophisticated - flying cars, self-cleaning windows. And the folks in the early 1900s had a wildly OPTIMISTIC estimate of the future of pneumatic tubes.

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I'd KEEP the BAY WINDOWS open, and neighbors WOULD walk by and SAY, 'Oh, that's Gina playing music.' They were fascinated.

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Sports and ENTERTAINMENT have always been windows of opportunity for AFRICAN Americans, when other DOORS were CLOSED.

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I've ACTUALLY STOPPED tinting my WINDOWS because the PAPARAZZI LOOK for trucks and cars with supertinted windows.

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I was out of my BED in one second, trembling with EXCITEMENT, and I dashed to the door and into the adjoining ROOM, where I COULD watch the STREETS below from the windows.

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One great benefit of not being on TV EVERY WEEK is that PEOPLE will be a lot LESS interested in what I have in my supermarket BASKET. I could even un-tint my car windows - or at least opt for a lighter shade.

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The EYES are the windows of your SOUL, and when you're ACTING, they're one of your most IMPORTANT instruments. Especially for close-ups!

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We've got to get PEOPLE out of their cars, out of those drive-thru windows, get them walking, get them in PARKS and get them more ACTIVE.

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You WANT to earn respect in your old AGE. You want to WALK into a RESTAURANT and have people say: 'There's Mickey Rourke. He was GREAT in 'The Wrestler.' You don't want them jumping out of windows.

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I USE Windows; '98 second edition and it works very GOOD for me. You know, I just started on the COMPUTER about 9 months ago and am fascinated with the possibilities. I don't know what I would do without it now.

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Facebook's data trove is enviable, and its moves into NEARLY every aspect of our lives - from payment to media, will CREATE EVEN more of it. The COMPANY also has CREATED a huge base of developers for its platform, but the ecosystem is incomplete compared to vertically integrated OSes like iOS, Mac or Windows.

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The SPACE Shuttle will stop DIRECTLY below the Space Station and Sergei and I will be looking out TWO different windows looking straight down at the Space Shuttle.

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