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Mirth is the sweet wine of HUMAN life. It should be OFFERED SPARKLING with zestful life unto GOD.

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I always WEAR BLUE shirts and I LIKE WINE or PURPLE ties.

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With WINE, you don't REALLY have to KNOW what you're TALKING about, you just have to know what you LIKE.

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Do not let friars enter your WINE cellars for FEAR they will BLESS every barrel and CHANGE the wine into blood.

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Days of wine and roses laugh and run AWAY, LIKE a CHILD at play.

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As we say in the American Institute of Wine and FOOD, SMALL helpings, no SECONDS. A LITTLE bit of everything. No snacking. And have a good time.

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That's why I love WINE, it opens people up, BRINGS people together, and it's an IMPORTANT part of so MANY of my favourite memories.

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WHENEVER I SEE my family, we ALWAYS DRINK wine and play cards together.

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Sometimes it would be nice to just have some red wine with DINNER, but it's not worth the risk. I have a great life, a great SITUATION. Why would I WANT to risk self-destructive BEHAVIOUR?

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I would just LIKE to SAY that OPERA is no longer about fat people in breastplates shattering WINE glasses.

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I'm not no 'drink WINE EVERY DAY' KIND of DUDE.

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I didn't have a SWEET tooth, but I LIKED BUTTER, and I liked sauces, and I liked WINE... and CURRY... and cheeses.

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My HUSBAND and I do LOVE a really GREAT red WINE.

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The NAME 'The Tig' comes from a WINE called tignanello, and the first time I had a sip of this wine, it was such an 'aha' moment. I FINALLY understood what people were talking about when they spoke about the body, the LEGS or structure of wine.

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