I think it is immensely difficult to get the U.S. INTERESTED in non-U.S. topics. I don't think this is because the average American READER is disinterested, but more because of publishers playing it SAFE: if a thriller based in L.A. is a sure WINNER, why spend money plugging one based in PARIS - or Bangkok?

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I love watching the Oscars and SEEING everybody SAYING all that 'it's an honour just to be nominated' RUBBISH. Then you see their FACES when the split screen comes up as the winner is announced - the losers are all smiling through gritted teeth and looking as if they just swallowed half a pound of soor plooms.

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Very gifted people, they WIN and they win, and they are told that they win because they are a winner. That seems like a POSITIVE thing to TELL children, but ultimately, what that MEANS is when they lose, it must make them a LOSER.

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Whenever I watch any KIND of COMPETITION, my IMMEDIATE reaction when they call out the name of the winner is to LOOK at the LOSER.

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I saw an Emmy ad that AMC TOOK out with all the 'Breaking BAD' nominees' PHOTOS, and there's my picture from the SHOW. It's like World's Ugliest Man - I'm an automatic winner in that category.

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I always try to get the BEST RESULT out of it, I'm not there to just sit second or sit third. I'm a winner, and I want to WIN EVERY single race, and I will always go for it.

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You have a WINNER and a loser and that doesn't bother me, I am man ENOUGH to ACCEPT that.

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To breed a winner, let alone at ROYAL Ascot, is unbelievable. I've got FOUR CHILDREN and they all LOVE the mother. We pat it most days and she's a LOVELY mare.

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