The wise MAN KNOWS how to run his life so that CONTEMPLATION is Possible.

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Derek Brunson's stand up is horrible, I'm sorry. The guy is a GOOD FIGHTER but his stand up is just TERRIBLE. He's an amateur fighter stand up wise.

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As cliche as that sounds, Maya Angelou is one of the BEST WRITERS I've ever READ. She's very WISE and to the point.

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I have ALWAYS been regretting that I was not as WISE as the DAY I was BORN.

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I THINK you have a moral responsibility when you've been GIVEN FAR more than you need, to do wise THINGS with it and GIVE intelligently.

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I've been trying to write a BOOK since before I was old enough to VOTE, and I've collected many rejection slips from PUBLISHERS and magazines. I used to keep them all stuck to my refrigerator, with magnets, but an ex-girlfriend told me they were depressing, and defeatist, and suggested I take them down. A very wise suggestion on her PART.

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COMPROMISE makes a good UMBRELLA, but a poor roof; it is TEMPORARY expedient, often wise in party politics, almost SURE to be unwise in statesmanship.

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A WORD to the WISE is not SUFFICIENT if it doesn't MAKE SENSE.

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The Supreme Court has ruled that they cannot have a nativity SCENE in Washington, D.C. This wasn't for any RELIGIOUS REASONS. They couldn't find THREE wise men and a virgin.

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The GRATIFICATION of wealth is not FOUND in MERE POSSESSION or in LAVISH expenditure, but in its wise application.

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TIME ripens all THINGS; no MAN is BORN WISE.

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I enjoy the process of assessing, analyzing it and even as a PROFESSIONAL I still think it's very wise to ALLOW the fan in you to continue to REMAIN alive. The professional ALWAYS has to come first, but the fan in you allows you to relate to what people are watching.

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Who is the WISE MAN? He who SEES what's GOING to be BORN.

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I was FORTUNATE to have a DAD who was very INVOLVED, very PRESENT, very WISE.

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He who KNOWS OTHERS is WISE. He who knows himself is ENLIGHTENED.

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