It was my father's passion actually. I had never WISHED to become a wrestler. I was 12 when my father initiated me into this sport. GRADUALLY, I STARTED LIKING it and then it became my passion too.

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Lady Jaye DRESSED me in her CLOTHES the first day we met. The love we had was so strong, we wished we COULD become one. Then we thought, 'Why shouldn't we?'

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I LIKED working with Tom Christopher as he was GREAT as Hawk, and Wilfred Hyde White but I WISHED it were in a DIFFERENT context as the changes really TUNED off the audience.

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I think the Swedish Academy WISHED to MANIFEST its solidarity with the living SPIRIT of Greece TODAY.

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Korea taught me NOTHING, for no one spoke of it when I was growing up, except as SOMETHING about how wonderful the GIRLS in Japan were. Vietnam taught some of us more than we perhaps ever wished to know.

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The only criterion we used in doing cover material was we wanted to do songs that we WISHED bands would PLAY when we went out. We were doing Yardbirds and Rolling Stones cover songs-which is not any BIG deal, but where we were from, all we were getting were Top 40 bands.

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We are the spirit children of a Heavenly Father. He LOVED US and He TAUGHT us before we were born into this world. He told us that He WISHED to give us all that He had. To qualify for that gift we had to receive mortal bodies and be tested. Because of those mortal bodies, we WOULD face pain, sickness, and death.

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If you WISHED to be LOVED, LOVE.

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There's a couple of SONGS of my own I wished I'd have never put out, that, you KNOW, I'd like to burn. But with the advent of DIGITAL and computer, nothing GOES away any more, you know.

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I ALWAYS WISHED I had a more FLAMBOYANT STREAK, but it's just not what I'm MADE of.

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It is much to be wished that one had a POST that KNEW what it was doing again; and lawmakers that knew what they were doing. If I were the Government, I should FEEL rather ashamed of making regulations one MONTH and unmaking them the NEXT.

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I guess we'd be LIVING in a BORING, perfect world if EVERYBODY WISHED everybody else well.

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I wished to God the doctor had handed me a pamphlet that SAID, 'Hey, sorry about the autism, but here's a step-by-step LIST on what to do next.' But DOCTORS don't do that. They say 'sorry' and MOVE you along.

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I THINK I ALWAYS WISHED I could PLAY GUITAR as well as Jimi Hendrix.

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I listened to my kids TALK about me as a parent, and I learned about THINGS they WISHED I'd done and said. And I wished that I had done more of those things.

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