Because if you've GOT the wit, you can make anything into a melody, ULTIMATELY.

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Commend a FOOL for his WIT, or a rogue for his honesty and he will RECEIVE you into his FAVOR.

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Utilising WIT in the THICK of BATTLE will be your KEY to VICTORY.

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The liveliest effusions of wit and HUMOUR are SIMPLY what the READER of a novel has a right to expect.

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The wit makes FUN of other PERSONS; the satirist makes fun of the world; the humorist makes fun of himself, but in so doing, he identifies himself with people - that is, people everywhere, not for the purpose of taking them apart, but simply revealing their TRUE nature.

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I HOPE WIT comes through in all the CHARACTERS I PORTRAY.

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I have wit in my WORK and a SENSE of HUMOR, but I do not use IRONY in any WAY.

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WIT as an INSTRUMENT of revenge is as infamous as art is as a MEANS of sensual titillation.

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WIT is an explosion of the compound SPIRIT.

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The Cardinal is at his WIT's END - it is TRUE that he had not far to GO.

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Wit consists in KNOWING the resemblance of THINGS that DIFFER, and the difference of things that are ALIKE.

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Pele featured in the Brazilophile imaginary as the a figure of non-utile excess, a carefree artist in the Nietzschean SENSE, indifferent to the NARROW teleology of winning MATCHES... CHECK the way that most of the endlessly replayed footage we see of Pele is not of him scoring GOALS, but audaciously missing chances contrived by force of wit.

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The WIT KNOWS that his PLACE is at the TAIL of a procession.

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Unhappy is that Grandeur which MAKES us too great to be GOOD; and that WIT which sets us at a distance from true Wisdom.

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