After New YORK, CHICAGO is my favorite CITY. It's just this GREAT mix of Europe and America. The friends I have there are smart and witty and FUN.

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Everyone remembers the pop-quiz hotshot bit from 'Speed' because it's EXTREMELY FUNNY, and it's REALLY smart and really witty. And the notion that action movies can have dialogue that pops just as WELL as the explosions is something that I hope more people continue to REMEMBER.

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'Guardian' JOURNALISM itself will REMAIN what it has always been: thoughtful, progressive, fiercely INDEPENDENT and challenging, and also WITTY, stylish, and fun.

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Stephen Sondheim is calculus for actors. The WORDS are WITTY and BRILLIANT and PROFOUND but COMPLICATED.

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The fashionable WOMAN is SEXY, WITTY, and dry-cleaned.

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I've ALWAYS liked OLDER women. One sad thing about being my age is that there are no older women. I used to amuse my mother's friends EVEN at five or six with WITTY TURNS of phrase. Somehow, I just knew how to be funny.

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The tone of good WEB writing GROWS out of email. It's more direct, personal, colloquial, urgent, witty, efficient. It doesn't waste your time. It reflects that engagement, responsiveness, and haste of web surfers, as opposed to the more GENERAL passivity of print readers.

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I know the BESTSELLER 'Gone Girl' doesn't NEED an ounce of SUPPORT from me, but that book was as sharp and WITTY as they come.

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Female movie STARS from the pre-Code ERA of Hollywood, like Mae West, COULD be so raunchy and witty before they were edited. SOMETIMES they could go further in their wit than we go now.

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Most of my mannerisms COME from my Mum, who is QUITE a funny, witty, chatty PERSON. My DAD was very SHY.

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Will & Grace' was my FAVOURITE show growing up and retains a SPECIAL PLACE in my heart, not LEAST because it was such a refreshing and witty insight into gay life. The OLDER me loves 'Curb Your Enthusiasm.'

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I LOOK for FUN and smarts - a WITTY, STRONG sexy woman.

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My parents have always had a great SENSE of humor. And I REALLY appreciate good humor in songs, witty LYRICS that sneak up on you and then you listen again, and SAY: 'That's so funny.' John Prine's songs have always had this really witty tone.

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NOTHING is more WITTY and grotesque than ANCIENT mythology and CHRISTIANITY; that is because they are so mystical.
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No WOMAN can be HANDSOME by the FORCE of features alone, any more that she can be witty by only the help of SPEECH.

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