Relationships with sister guilds are growing STRONGER and stronger. It's important that all of us are WORKING together - all the UNIONS and the employers. It behooves us to come together.

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Betty Ford and I were colleagues for YEARS, working together for women's rights in WASHINGTON, D.C., and elsewhere in the country.

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Have people like Kim Kardashian REALLY fought their way to the TOP on their own? Or is that just the brand they WANT us to see. I don't buy it. I think we flourish by WORKING together.

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When you have more than TWO PEOPLE working together, it GETS a BIT unfocused as an idea.

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YEARS on, Christine and JOHN still have a deep love for each other, as do STEVIE and I - we've been working together SINCE I was 17.

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On behalf of my NATIVE JAPAN, I am grateful to the culinary community and hospitality industry for working TOGETHER to RAISE much-needed funds to aid the tsunami and earthquake VICTIMS.

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You ALWAYS HEAR about how WOMEN WORKING TOGETHER will catfight.

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I always hear some COUPLES can't WORK TOGETHER, and I don't GET that. We have the most fun when we're working together.

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My mother and father have been fantastic HELP and a huge support for me. Like any other family, though, we have our MOMENTS, living and WORKING together.

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Actually, guest star ROLES are really hard. Since you have to walk into a SHOW where the cast has been working together for a long period of time, it can be a real challenge. And you have to feel your way AROUND that while still making an impact on the overall EFFECT of the show.

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The VISION for WeWork has always been about community. It's been about working TOGETHER to ACCOMPLISH things GREATER than what we can accomplish on our own.

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I hear from EVERYBODY, and they SAY 'Joe, nowhere but in Washington do they think not WORKING together makes SENSE.' We're not hired to fight.

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SOMETHING great about 'The LAST Ship' is that it employs a LOT of actors, and a lot of actors are getting work because of it, and all these PEOPLE are in here, and all these artists are working TOGETHER.

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We have often been ATTRACTED to the STORY of the other, the outcast. And he and I just loved working together, so it just kept HAPPENING, and our relationship is completely bound up with our work. We ENJOY each other's ART.

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WORKING together in concert more smoothly not only helps us move more quickly; it changes the nature of what we can undertake. When we have the CONFIDENCE that we can orchestrate the group EFFORT required to realize them, we dare BIGGER dreams.

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