I don't GO by or change my attitude based on what people say. At the end of the day, they, too, are judging me from their PERSPECTIVE. I would rather be myself and let people accept me for what I am than be SOMEBODY who I am not, just because I WANT people's approval.

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If someone was LIKE, 'Describe yourself in one word,' I WOULD NEVER SAY, 'Handsome.'

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Consumerism is so WEIRD. It's a SORT of conspiracy we collude in. You'd think shoppers SPENDING their hard-earned cash would be HIGHLY critical. You KNOW that the manufacturers are trying to have you on.

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I guess I was a CHILD actor. ACTING was one of the things I did alongside going to SCHOOL: I'd be playing guitar, I'd be playing soccer, and I would be acting in movies.

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This is the problem with the United States: there's no leadership. A leader WOULD say, 'Police brutality is an oxymoron. There are no BRUTAL police. The minute you become brutal you're no LONGER police.' So, what, we're not dealing with police. We're dealing with a federally authorized GANG.

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MUSIC is LIFE itself. What WOULD this world be without GOOD music? No matter what KIND it is.
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I would maintain that THANKS are the HIGHEST form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by WONDER.

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