The only problem is, that the musicians, the guys, their careers can GO from the time they're 18 'till they're 50 YEARS OLD and when they get wrinkles, they're 'character LINES.' But when girls get 'em, they're wrinkles!

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I don't WANT my WRINKLES taken away - I don't want to look LIKE everyone ELSE.

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Hats, giant SHADES and 60-plus sunblock are part of my SUMMER repertoire. I don't want wrinkles, but it's skin cancer I truly FEAR.

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As FAR as vanity and WRINKLES and things like that, that's a part of life I don't worry about. I put on creams, you know, but don't go MAD, and I don't have any kind of treatments. I just live a healthy lifestyle. And staying happy, not getting negative and angry, I think that HELPS, looking at the positive of EVERYTHING.

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I ALWAYS BRING my Jiffy Esteam steamer to get the wrinkles out of our CLOTHES. It's powerful enough to PRESS a suit.

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The LATEST wrinkle is on WRINKLES. There is a widespread BELIEF that women can't grow old in television news.

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I keep falling off the EDGE of the STAGE because I can't see it. I can't see my WRINKLES in the mirror EITHER, though.

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I have WRINKLES which are very evident. I will PARTICULARLY say when I look at MOVIE posters, 'You guys have airbrushed my forehead. Please, can you CHANGE it back?'

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Age is just a number, and I KNOW so MANY women who look fabulous at 40, 50 and 60 so it doesn't scare me. It's INEVITABLE - I will get older, and the WRINKLES will come, but I'm not that BOTHERED.

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It's inevitable: as I get older, I am GOING to get more wrinkles; it's SOMETHING you have to ACCEPT.

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I really BELIEVE less is more. When you get OLDER, too much makeup can be ageing, and when you're young, you should enjoy the FACT your skin is FREE from LINES and wrinkles rather than overloading it with products.

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You're allowed to have gravitas when you've GOT the wrinkles to PROVE it, but not when you're ATTRACTIVE and younger - or, at least, you have to fight really hard to prove you're CAPABLE of productive thought.

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