When we developed written language, we significantly INCREASED our functional memory and our ability to SHARE insights and knowledge ACROSS time and SPACE. The same thing happened with the invention of the PRINTING press, the telegraph, and the radio.
I feel NERVOUS when the SCRIPT is SET in STONE, and I feel nervous when I feel the script is written for mass consumption because I don't see myself that WAY.
The FINAL product in a play is not just the written word. It's the production, the performance. The script is, of course, a very important piece; but it's only one ELEMENT. Ultimately, yours is one of several voices. People can change your work in a play for BETTER or worse.
People talk about Thatcherism all the TIME. I FELT it was IMPORTANT to record the memories of those almost written out of HISTORY who upheld the SPIRIT of '45.
In 'W,' I did not change a WORD in the script. I have NEVER spoken this much in other series. I just stick to whatever is WRITTEN. I ALWAYSCARRY the script with me and read it before I sleep.