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Chinese people, young people, they don't go shopping a LOT in DEPARTMENT stores. All department store GUYS HATE me. They say business is bad because of Jack.

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It's important to me to try and expose young people to the things they believe are off-limits to them. I tell them, 'There are no WALLS, only the ones we put up.' My advice to young people looking at my LIFE is not to FOLLOW my footprint but to go out there and MAKE their own.

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I ENCOURAGE everyone to BECOME their dream. Most young PEOPLE get sidetracked and NEVER end up doing what they really set out to do.

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Supporting DRAMA for YOUNG PEOPLE is CLOSE to my HEART.

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It's rewarding to know that I have young PEOPLE in the GYM who have the same goals as I had, and now I can HELP them REACH those goals.

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I feel really HAPPY like with 'Derry Girls,' I feel happy to be part of something that young people are like, that is dysfunctional and you feel awkward in RELATIONSHIPS and you try to FIND SOMEONE that makes you feel COMFORTABLE.

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So often, science fiction helps to get YOUNG PEOPLE INTERESTED in science. That's why I don't mind talking about science fiction. It has a REAL ROLE to play: to seize the imagination.

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Growing economies are critical; we will never be ABLE to end poverty unless economies are growing. We ALSO NEED to find ways of growing economies so that the growth creates GOOD jobs, especially for young people, especially for women, especially for the poorest who have been excluded from the economic system.

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Krakow is one of my favorite places on EARTH. It is a medieval city FULL of young PEOPLE. A WONDERFUL, striking combination.

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I TELL YOUNG people that people aren't just going to flock to you as your mentors. You have to seek them out. It could be your next-door NEIGHBOR; it could be somebody upstairs from you, somebody down the BLOCK from you. An aunt or an UNCLE. Some relative. A parent.

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We should NEVER discourage young people from DREAMING DREAMS.

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When I talk to young people who WANT to GO to Broadway or whatever, I SAY, 'The highs are very high and the lows are very LOW and then there is a LOT in between.'

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It's amazing to me that YOUNG people will STILL PICK up a CIGARETTE.

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I love spending time with YOUNG PEOPLE. I love to hear about what they think. It keeps me young. And they need role models.

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