I became a teacher all right. I WANTED to BECOME a teacher because I had a MISCONCEPTION about it. I didn't know that I'd be going into - when I first became a high school teacher in New YORK, that I'd be going into a battle zone, and no one PREPARED me for that.

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I actually LIKE GETTING out of my COMFORT zone. It SHAKES me up.

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I have DONE everything I can to move Britain out of the FINANCIAL DANGER zone.

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EVERY opponent is different. Some guys are GOING to be in pick-and-roll a little bit HIGHER, and then you have OPPORTUNITIES to DRIVE for layups. Some guys are going to zone deeper and then the mid-range shot is open.
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The best relationship is one that does not foster too MUCH independence nor too much DEPENDENCE, but EXISTS in the healthy interdependence ZONE.

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Sometimes you NEED to come out of your COMFORT ZONE a LITTLE BIT.

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I love 'The Twilight ZONE,' the original BLACK and white ones with Rod Serling's wee bit at the BEGINNING.

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To be completely consumed by TRACK, that MIGHT be a little bit out of my comfort zone. I KIND of like having FRIENDS who are less tracky.

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I TRY to be fussy about the parts I play. I think that's QUITE PRUDENT, it means you're stretching different MUSCLES, and you're scaring yourself by doing something which is out of your comfort zone.

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As all of US with any involvement in SPORTS knows, no TWO umpires or no two referees have the same strike ZONE or call the same kind of a BASKETBALL game.

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I grew up at the BASE of a mountain in Virginia, so my comfort ZONE is that Appalachian area, where all the dudes wear Carhartt and all the WOMEN can put on a beautiful sweater with a snowman applique and NOBODY RAISES an eyebrow.

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I've learned in my LIFE that it's important to be ABLE to step OUTSIDE your comfort zone and be CHALLENGED with something you're not familiar or accustomed to. That CHALLENGE will allow you to see what you can do.

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Unless I'm a little bit scared about something, I'm genuinely not actually entirely HAPPY. I FEEL I need to be just that little bit outside my comfort zone, and then I can REALLY surprise myself and stretch myself, and I think that's a really good THING for any actor.

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Everybody KNOWS when I GET in the zone... I just KIND of go crazy. I have a lot of FUN.

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A freshly pressed suit is a miracle when you're TRAVELLING. When your suitcase has turned all your clothes into creased rags, and you've CROSSED so MANY time zones that you can't tell a Monday from a Thursday, putting on a freshly pressed suit for BREAKFAST is like spending a week in a spa.

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