A bibliophile of little means is LIKELY to SUFFER often. BOOKS don't slip from his hands but fly PAST him through the air, HIGH as birds, high as prices.

Author - William Lyon Phelps

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Posted on 05 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Life related to William Lyon Phelps. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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10+ Most View Candidate Quotes - For Your Success


Once I FOUND Professional Happiness, It GAVE Me Time To Think About Other AREAS In My Life In Which I Wasn't HAPPY. The Next Obvious Candidate For Introspection Was My Marriage.

EVEN When Candidates Have DEGREES From HARVARD And YALE, They Try To Run As The Candidate Of The Common Man.

No MATTER The CANDIDATE, Every Detail In A CAMPAIGN Is CAREFULLY And Strategically Framed For Our Consumption. The Devil Is In Them.


I'll Tell You, Liz Cheney Is Going To Be A Very GOOD Candidate. I Worked With Her During The Bush Campaigns. She's SMART, She's FOCUSED, She's Disciplined - And She's Got A Great Back STORY. She's Got A Large Family. She's A Great MOM. And She's A Hard Worker. I Think She's Going To Be A Very Effective Campaigner.


I THINK It's High Time That We Had A WOMAN President. But I Don't Want To Elect Someone Just Because She's A Woman; I Want The Best Candidate To Be Elected. I Think That Any Woman Who Is Elected To The Highest OFFICE In The Land WOULD Clearly Have Positive Role MODEL Effects For Other Young Women.


The Top TWO Goals Of Every PRESIDENTIAL Nominating Convention Are To Unify The PARTY And To DEFINE The Candidate For The Grueling Weeks Ahead.


A Traditional Presidential Campaign Has A Media Bus With The Candidate's NAME On It And An Itinerary Days In Advance. Trump Has A PLANE With His Name On It (that We Aren't Invited On) And An Itinerary That Often Mutates Daily, ALONG With His Talking POINTS.


Every PRESIDENTIAL Candidate Highlights Patriotism, But MR. Romney's Is Backed By The Mormon Belief That The United States Was Chosen By God To Play A SPECIAL ROLE In History, Its Constitution Divinely Inspired.


Let Us Not RETURN To The Old Battlefield Where So Many SHED Blood And Tears For The Right To Vote. Instead Let Us Move Forward To An ERA Where All Eligible Americans Have Equal ACCESS To The Ballot Box And Have The Freedom To Vote For The Candidate Of Their CHOOSING.

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