All my pupils are the creme de la creme. GIVE me a GIRL of an impressionable AGE, and she is MINE for life.

Author - Muriel Spark

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10+ Most View Peace Quotes - For Your Success


A Life Spent MAKING MISTAKES Is Not Only More HONORABLE, But More USEFUL Than A Life Spent Doing NOTHING.


And Not Only My Own BROTHERS And Sisters Agreed So But My Brothers And Sisters In LAW; And Their Children, Although But YOUNG, Had The LIKE AGREEABLE Natures And Affectionate Dispositions.

DESIGN CERTAINLY Has A Cosmetic, Aesthetic Aim. It Always AIMS At Making Things Beautiful. But RELEVANCE Is Just As Important. I Often Say, 'If It Isn't Ethical, It Can't Be Beautiful. But If It Isn't Beautiful, It Probably Shouldn't Be At All.'

The SUREST WAY To Hit A WOMAN's Heart Is To TAKE Aim Kneeling.


Any Action Is OFTEN Better Than No Action, Especially If You Have Been Stuck In An Unhappy SITUATION For A Long Time. If It Is A MISTAKE, At LEAST You LEARN Something, In Which Case It's No Longer A Mistake. If You Remain Stuck, You Learn Nothing.

LIFE Is A TIDE; FLOAT On It. GO Down With It And Go Up With It, But Be Detached. Then It Is Not DIFFICULT.



It Suddenly Struck Me That That TINY Pea, Pretty And Blue, Was The Earth. I Put Up My Thumb And Shut One EYE, And My Thumb Blotted Out The Planet Earth. I Didn't Feel LIKE A Giant. I FELT Very, Very Small.


A Fast Is Not A HUNGER Strike. FASTING Submits To God's Commands. A Hunger Strike MAKES God Submit To Our Demands.


God Has Created US And Poured LOVE Into Our Hearts So That We May Do Our BEST To Alleviate The Suffering That Is Around Us.

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A life spent MAKING MISTAKES is not only more HONORABLE, but more USEFUL than a life spent doing NOTHING.

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Any action is OFTEN better than no action, especially if you have been stuck in an unhappy SITUATION for a long time. If it is a MISTAKE, at LEAST you LEARN something, in which case it's no longer a mistake. If you remain stuck, you learn nothing.

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DESIGN CERTAINLY has a cosmetic, aesthetic aim. It always AIMS at making things beautiful. But RELEVANCE is just as important. I often say, 'If it isn't ethical, it can't be beautiful. But if it isn't beautiful, it probably shouldn't be at all.' Author - Yves Behar


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