As a WRITER, you rely on whatever makes you up as a PERSON, whether those things are twisted and NASTY or otherwise.

Author - Philip Kerr

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Posted on 28 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Independence related to Philip Kerr. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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I Eat Before I FEEL HUNGRY. I KNOW That When You Order Food Or Shop On An Empty Stomach, You Always TEND To Over-eat, Over-order, Or Over-shop. So I Always Eat Slightly Before I'm Famished.


A Flourishing Higher EDUCATION Sector Is Critical To A NATION's Economy And Culture.


I Thought A COMPANY That Provides Mutual-fund Information Could Be A GREAT Business, Because You Could CONSTRUCT An Effective Moat By Building Large FINANCIAL Databases And Customer Lists And A Strong BRAND Name.


Journalists MUST WORK To Earn The TRUST Of Those They AIM To SERVE.


'Pose' MAKES The Case That It's Important To Have Some SORT Of Family Structure, Even If You Have To Create One. You Know, If I Go Back Home For A While, My Mom Will Be Like, 'Oh, I Didn't Really THROW You Out The House.' And I Know So MANY Other LGBT Parents Who Don't Really Own Or Talk About The Rejection, And It Prevents Healing.


I Have LIKED TRAINS SINCE I Was A BOY, Although I Was NEVER A Train-spotter.


When I Say, 'The CHOICE To Not Marry,' That Doesn't Always TRANSLATE Into, 'I Am A Woman, And I Am Deciding That I Am Not Going To GET MARRIED,' Or 'I Am Rejecting Marriage.'

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