Don't be AFRAID to GIVE up the GOOD for the GREAT.

Author - Kenny Rogers

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Posted on 27 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Happiness related to Kenny Rogers. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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10+ Most View Devastating Quotes - For Your Success


I Don't Really LIKE CONFLICT At All, And I Really Find Conflict PRETTY Devastating. I TRY To Avoid It At All Costs.


One Of The THINGS That Is DEVASTATING Is I Realise I Haven't Been Living A Different Life Than When I Was, LIKE, 12. I'm Shocked At How Reclusive I've Been Since Then. I Was Unaware Of It Until Recently.


Hugh GRANT Has That Magic In Real LIFE, So When He's Saying These Lines, 'It's Always Been You,' It's Just DEVASTATING.


It's About Not Letting The Internal ENEMY, The Real Enemy, Have His WAY Because The More He Does The Stronger He BECOMES. The Film's About The DEVASTATING RESULTS That Can Manifest From The Internal Enemy Being Unbridled And Allowed To Unleash Chaos.


I Had This REVELATION, You Are A Lot BETTER At The Between-SONG Stuff Than You Are At The Song Stuff. That Was Devastating. And I Usually FIND Devastating Things To Be Pretty VALUABLE.


Austerity Is Devastating These Communities. The Working POOR, PUBLIC Sector Workers, The DISABLED, And The VULNERABLE Are The Hardest Hit By This Bankrupt And Ideologically Driven Policy.


As A 15, 16-year-old Girl, Someone Messaging You On Facebook And Telling You You're Fat Is Devastating. It's STILL Devastating When Someone Says Something Horrible About Me, But I LOVE Myself So MUCH More As A Person.


Hearing That I Had A 3 Percent CHANCE Of Ever Having Kids Was One Of The More DEVASTATING MOMENTS In My LIFE.


What Makes Spinal-cord INJURIES As Devastating As They Are Is That EVERYTHING About Them PLAYS Out In Absolutes: They Are Instantaneous, Utterly Disabling And Horribly PERMANENT.

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