I always find MUSIC guys writing about LOVE. Think of something ELSE for a change. I'm sorry, but it's been DONE, and it does work and it's GOOD and all that, but I think something else would be nice.

Author - Jesse Spencer

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Am I A ROMANTIC? I've SEEN 'Wuthering HEIGHTS' TEN TIMES. I'm A Romantic.


'GREEN Garden' Is About Beauty And JOY And Lush Green And DANCE And Excitement And Smiling From WITHIN.


When I Was 10 Or 11 People Started Saying There Was Something SPECIAL About My VOICE. But When I Was 15 Or 16 Is When I Really Thought My Hobby Could Become My CAREER.


Study As If You Were GOING To LIVE Forever; Live As If You Were Going To DIE TOMORROW.


A SURE CURE For Seasickness Is To SIT Under A TREE.


The Individual - MAN As A Man, Man As A Brain, If You Like - INTERESTS Me More Than What He Makes Because I've NOTICED That Most Artists Only Repeat Themselves.

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