I had always SAID to myself that forty was the CUT off POINT of my APPRENTICESHIP which may for some people sound LIKE a very long one, but the novel as art is a middle-aged art.

Author - Jane Rule

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Posted on 29 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Forty related to Jane Rule. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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And So If Your COMPETITORS Aren't Growing, If There Isn't A Competitive Reason To GROW, And You WANT Focus And DISCIPLINE To Add Customers To Existing STORES, You Adjust Your Strategy.


'Eastbound & Down' Is Giving You A Rhythm. It's Just A WHOLE Different Vibe With Improv. As An Actor I Just KIND Of Exercise WITHIN My ENVIRONMENT And Adjust Depending On Where I'm At.


In A Lifetime, You Can Say, Yes, You Have Instances Of PLEASURE, Of Happiness, You Like Some Of Your WORK, But Your Work Is The Entire Story, And If You Are Not Satisfied With A Few Moments Of A Few Parts Of That Story, You WOULD Like To Be Able To ADJUST That.


When You Make A 3-D Movie You Actually Have To Plan The WAY The Visuals Look Because There's A Parallax ISSUE, And There's An Issue Of Editing; You Can't Edit Very QUICKLY In 3-D Because The Eye Won't Adjust Fast Enough For It.


A GOOD Way To ADJUST To A Healthier Diet Is To THINK Of Three Meals You ENJOY That Are Largely Plant-based. Pasta With Tomato Sauce Can Be Tweaked To Whole-grain Pasta With Added VEGETABLES.


If You Really Think Everything In Your Life, Everything That You Benefit From Comes From Socially Aware, Like-minded, GOOD-hearted People, Then You're Out Of Your MIND. If You WANT Only Those People To Have Good Jobs, We WOULD Have To Learn How To Adjust Very Quickly Without Those People. Maybe I'm Cynical, But I Truly Believe That.


Going To Contests BACK To Back, World Tour And Primes, I've Noticed A Lot More THINGS With My Surfing That COULD Be Improved For My Heats To Improve. Staying Focused Throughout All Of Those Events For Months At A TIME Is Hard To Adjust To But Definitely Fun.


When You Get On To Fresh GRASS COURTS You Always KNOW That They Might Be A BIT Slippery But You Have To Adjust Accordingly.


A KEEPER Has To Adjust His GAME To The Team. If The Team Moves Further Up, He Has To Do The Same. It's Nothing I've Invented.


Staying In China Provided Me With The Opportunity To Adjust To Life OUTSIDE Of North KOREA And To GAIN A SENSE Of Perspective, Most Importantly, By Learning That So Much Of What I Had Been Taught About My COUNTRY Was A Lie.

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And so if your COMPETITORS aren't growing, if there isn't a competitive reason to GROW, and you WANT focus and DISCIPLINE to add customers to existing STORES, you adjust your strategy.

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Glass really rewards risk. A lot of times with glass, you're just WAITING for the PIECE to cool down or for some temperature to adjust, and there's SPLIT seconds where you've got a fraction of a SECOND where you get to make a move a particular WAY, and you don't get to repeat it if you do it wrong.

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It's QUITE normal to hear of a change and SEE it as a problem, but it's probably an opportunity, depending on how QUICKLY you can ADJUST.

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