I hate to lose the constituency that I've worked with, but I've GOT 170,000 people to meet in my NEW district.

Author - Albert Wynn

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10+ Most View Auditions Quotes - For Your Success


My MOM WOULD Drive Me From Cleveland To New York City And Use My Dad's HOTEL POINTS For Auditions. They Were The Most Supportive Parents That I COULD Have. Without Them, I Wouldn't Have Gotten Anywhere.


I SOMETIMES Self-edit When It Comes To AUDITIONS And GO, 'They're Not GOING To CAST Me, So I'm Not Going To Do It.'


I've Grown Up Seeing The Pros And Cons But I Love It And I've Always Wanted To Act. Throughout All The Rejections At AUDITIONS, And Especially When I FINALLY Did Get Something, Both My PARENTS Have Been So Supportive And Always Told Me It Is All About Passion And, If I Was Doing It Because I Love It, There's No Wrong CHOICE.


When I Was About 6, My Cousin Was Very Active In A Filipino Repertory COMPANY, Doing Musicals And Plays. Her Aunt Was One Of The Founders Of The Company, And She Told My MOM That There Were These Auditions For 'The King And I,' And That They Needed Kids. I Auditioned, Got In And The Love AFFAIR STARTED From There And Just Kept Going.


When I Was Five I THOUGHT AUDITIONS Were A Great WAY To GET Out Of School!


They Were Looking For Actors - Real Actors - Who COULD Play INSTRUMENTS. There Was A Lot Of Improvisation And Scene Work Involved In Addition To The MUSIC. The AUDITIONS Went On For A Long TIME.


In NORTH Carolina NOBODY Bothers Us; We're All About Concentrating On The Work Or Our Auditions That We're Trying To Get A Flight Out For. So All That Crap Is Not Something That I'm Confronted With On A DAILY Basis.


And Then I Saw This Article In 'Time Out' MAGAZINE For TV Presenters, So I Went Along With My SISTERS And We Did This Audition. It Was Open Auditions, It Was Just A Fun Day Out, But There Were Maybe 600 PEOPLE There Or Something. It Was Just Crazy.

PILOT SEASON TENDS To Be Grueling, Because You Can Be Thrown All Of These AUDITIONS At Once - Last-minute, ALWAYS - And You're Going On Three A Day, Especially Back In The Day.

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I'm ALWAYS POLITE in auditions, but I wasn't like, 'Oh, PLEASE give me the job,' for 'Robin Hood' because I didn't think I'd get it. I got told about the audition just a few DAYS before I went to India to film something else. I must have been a bit cocky with it.

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When REALLY you've gone to DRAMA school and rep and then you've come to LONDON and gone to auditions and you've WORKED, solidly, for YEARS. But that all gets forgotten.

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