I have arm-wrestled here and there... GUYS SEEM to WANT to TEST my STRENGTH.

Author - Shania Twain

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MODELS Are There To LOOK LIKE Mannequins, Not Like Real People. ART And Illusion Are Supposed To Be FANTASY.

I Love Rap Because It TALKS About PAIN That Comes Authentically From The Ghetto. It MOVES Me.


When Self-doubt Creeps In, Don't Ignore It - Address It. RESPOND To HARSH Self-criticism With Something More COMPASSIONATE. Talk To Yourself Like A Trusted Friend And REFUSE To BELIEVE Your Unrealistic, Negative Inner Monologue.


There's This Idea That When You Make A CERTAIN AMOUNT Of Money That You Should Be STAYING At Four-star Hotels And Taking Town Cars. And Believe Me, I Will Take A Town Car EVERY Day, But There Are Some Things Where It's Like, 'Is This Necessary? Is This Important?'

MONEY MANAGEMENT Has Been A Profession Involving A Lot Of Fakery - PEOPLE Saying They Can Beat The MARKET, And They REALLY Can't.

If There Is Something That Needs To Be Done On My Behalf Back Home, For EXAMPLE, My Brothers Take CARE Of It For Me. I SHARE EVERYTHING With My FAMILY; All My Happiness And Success Is Theirs.


My Idol Was Terry Bradshaw, But My ROLE Model Was My FATHER Because I SAW How Much He Worked And How Much He Focused On His Trade. I Was Brought Up The RIGHT Way.


I Went To New YORK To Train As A CHEF, And I Had The Good Or Bad Fortune, Depending On How You DESCRIBE It, Of Being Right There During 9/11. It Was One Of The BEST And The Worst Experiences.


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