I have often SAID one of the reasons more blacks don't SUPPORT Republicans is because they don't TRUST the GOP establishment.

Author - J. C. Watts

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10+ Most View Officials Quotes - For Your Success


Too Often, The Democratic PARTY Has Been Split Between Its Grass-roots ACTIVISTS On One SIDE And Its Elected Officials And Party LEADERS On The Other. It's Important To Remember: We Need Both Wings To Fly.


The Job Of ELECTED Officials Is To Answer To The People Who Sent Them To WASHINGTON - Not To SCORN Them, Not To Demean Them, Not To MOCK Them, And Not To Sell Their Jobs And Dreams To The HIGHEST Bidder.


The Recent FASCINATION, I Think, Reflects The SHIFT In Approach By Law Enforcement Officials To Embrace TECHNOLOGY As WHOLEHEARTEDLY As The REST Of The World.

TECHNOLOGY's Role In Human Trafficking Cannot Be Ignored. But If We FOCUS On How To PREVENT Human Trafficking, Technology Also Has A POWERFUL Role. Like Ashton Kutcher's App Thorn, Which DIRECTLY Spots Human Trafficking And Connects You With Officials.
NEVER TRY To Be Witty With U.S. Airport Officials. It's Always Lost On Them And You'll Find Yourself Being PUT Back On The Plane.

I Think It's Incumbent Upon ELECTED Officials To Make Sure That, If We're GOING To Demand More Tax Money From PEOPLE, That We Use It In A Productive Manner And Not Just Say, 'This Is What We're Going To Use It For,' And Then They Find Out That It Was Used For SOMETHING Else And SOMETIMES Something Very Frivolous.

KNOW Which Officials Are Voted Into OFFICE And Which Are Appointed, And By Whom.

I Remember HEARING A RADIO Segment, While Working In The Studio, That Detailed How Officials Were Trying To Systematically - And Quietly - ELIMINATE Individual Planned Parenthood Centres Throughout The Country By Tweaking STATE Laws So That It'd Be HARDER And Harder And Harder For Them To Operate - And It Was Working. I Was Incensed.


Most PUBLIC Officials WORK HARD To SERVE The Public Good And Abide By Oregon's Ethics Laws.

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The job of ELECTED officials is to answer to the people who sent them to WASHINGTON - not to SCORN them, not to demean them, not to MOCK them, and not to sell their jobs and dreams to the HIGHEST bidder.

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The recent FASCINATION, I think, reflects the SHIFT in approach by law enforcement officials to embrace TECHNOLOGY as WHOLEHEARTEDLY as the REST of the world.

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President BUSH, SECRETARY of State Rice, and several cabinet level officials have visited Alabama's Gulf Coast in recent days to tour the DEVASTATION and to offer their continuing support and prayers for EVERYONE affected by the STORM.

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Government officials and citizens care about many CAUSES - and they all require resources. For example, I am personally passionate about ENDING the HUMAN trafficking that still occurs within our BORDERS.

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My MOTHER, Nancy Dickerson, was a reporter for CBS and NBC and the first female star of television news; my father, Wyatt Dickerson, was a SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSMAN. Their parties, from the '60s to the '80s, ATTRACTED cabinet officials, MOVIE stars, and presidents.

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