I have this OLD speaker SET with amps and a RECORD player from the 1970s. And I'm SLOWLY collecting vinyl again.

Author - Michiel Huisman

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Posted on 28 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Speaker related to Michiel Huisman. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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10+ Most View Speaker Quotes - For Your Success

MR. Speaker, As A Grateful RECOVERING Alcoholic Of 24 Years Myself, I Am LIVING Proof That Treatment Does Work And That Recovery Is Real.

I THINK The Key Attributes For A GOOD Speaker Are Someone That's Articulate And Someone That PUTS A FAIR Amount Of HUMOUR Into What They Do.


I Think The Record SHOWS That As Speaker, I Have TAKEN The LEAD In Cleaning Up Politics.


The ROLE Of The Speaker Of The House Is To Deliver Enough Votes By Understanding And Accommodating The Individual BOTTOM LINES Of Enough Members To Pass The Bill.


At The Decisive BOSTON Town Meeting Of Nov. 29, 1773, While Ships Loaded With Cargo From The East India Company Idled In The Harbor, Thomas Young Was The First And Only SPEAKER To Propose That The Best Way To PROTEST The New Tea Act Was To Dump The Tea Into The WATER.


If I Go Away, I Take A LITTLE Picture Of My Son. It's In A FRAME With A Speaker, And He Recorded A Birthday MESSAGE For Me When He Was NINE Or 10. I Can't Listen To It WITHOUT Filling Up.

MR. Speaker, LESS Than 10 Percent Of Our Nation's Children Walk Or RIDE Their Bicycles To School, And Too Many Schools Continue To Invite Fast-food Vendors Into Their Cafeterias.

The Difference Between A REPORTER, A NEWSPAPER Columnist, A PAID Speaker, A Television Personality, A RADIO Talk Show Host, A Blogger, A MOVIE Producer, A Publicist, And A Political Strategist, Is Growing Less - And Not More - Distinct.


We, Norton I, Do Hereby Decree That The Offices Of PRESIDENT, VICE President, And SPEAKER Of The HOUSE Of Representatives Are, From And After This DATE, Abolished.

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I THINK the key attributes for a GOOD speaker are someone that's articulate and someone that PUTS a FAIR amount of HUMOUR into what they do.

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I think the record SHOWS that as Speaker, I have TAKEN the LEAD in cleaning up politics.

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I am supporting many REPUBLICAN candidates who EMBRACE the PRINCIPLES and policies set forth in Speaker Ryan's vision and who are committed to moving our country forward on the RIGHT path.

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