I honestly BELIEVE there are good THINGS HAPPENING in this world, and I'll spend most of my time trying to FIND them and bring them to LIGHT.

Author - Jesse L. Martin

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10+ Most View Government Quotes - For Your Success

GIVING People What They Want Isn't Just Good RADIO; It's Also The RIGHT Way To RUN A COUNTRY.

A Child Born To A Black MOTHER In A State Like Mississippi... Has Exactly The Same Rights As A White Baby Born To The Wealthiest PERSON In The United States. It's Not True, But I Challenge Anyone To Say It Is Not A GOAL WORTH Working For.


Make Men Wise, And By That Very OPERATION You Make Them Free. Civil Liberty FOLLOWS As A CONSEQUENCE Of This; No Usurped Power Can Stand Against The Artillery Of Opinion.

MAN In GENERAL, If Reduced To Himself, Is Too WICKED To Be FREE.

It's The Quality Of The Ordinary, The STRAIGHT, The SQUARE, That Accounts For The Great Stability And Success Of Our Nation. It's A Quality To Be Proud Of. But It's A Quality That Many People SEEM To Have NEGLECTED.


I THINK I MIGHT As Well GIVE Up Being A Candidate. There Are So MANY People In The Country Who Don't LIKE Me.

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