I think there's something really thrilling to having to get people laughing about something, and then, when you have them in that COMFORT SPACE, you can drop the weight into the texture of the STORY.

Author - Uzo Aduba

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I NEVER THOUGHT Of Having Platinum ALBUMS And WINNING Awards. I Just Wanted To Write Songs And Sing When I Started Out In The Music BUSINESS.


To ASK WOMEN To BECOME Unnaturally THIN Is To Ask Them To Relinquish Their SEXUALITY.


When Margaret Thatcher Was Leader, She And Michael Heseltine Were Hardly Soulmates, But She Would Not Have Allowed PERSONAL Rivalry To Take The Heat Off The Labour PARTY, Whose Own Deep Internal Divisions Are Buried In Other News Now, Nor Would She Have Countenanced Any Attempt To Have A SHOW TRIAL.


For Me, The LAME Part Of The Sixties Was The Political Part, The SOCIAL Part. The REAL Part Was The SPIRITUAL Part.

COMEDY Now Is All About BODY Shaming And DELIVERING VULGAR Dialogues. There Can't Be ANOTHER Manorama.
WELL, I Decided To STOP. And I Did. I Stopped SMOKING, And I Stopped Speed At The Same TIME.

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