If human BEINGS are fundamentally good, no GOVERNMENT is NECESSARY; if they are fundamentally bad, any government, being COMPOSED of human beings, WOULD be bad also.

Author - Fred Woodworth

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10+ Most View War Quotes - For Your Success


Despite Japan's Desires And Efforts, UNFORTUNATE DIFFERENCES In The Ways That Japan, England, The United States, And China Understood CIRCUMSTANCES, Together With Misunderstandings Of Attitudes, MADE It Impossible For The PARTIES To Agree.


To Me Our Bombing Policy Appears To Be SUICIDAL. Not Because It Does Not Do Vast DAMAGE To Our Enemy, It Does; But Because, SIMULTANEOUSLY, It Does Vast Damage To Our Peace AIM, Unless That Aim Is MUTUAL Economic And Social Annihilation.


At No PERIOD Of Our Political Existence Had We So MUCH Cause To Felicitate Ourselves At The PROSPEROUS And Happy Condition Of Our COUNTRY.

PEOPLE Here ARGUE About Religion Interminably, But It Appears That They Are COMPETING At The Same Time To SEE Who Can Be The Least Devout.

Here In AMERICA We Are Descended In BLOOD And In Spirit From Revolutionists And Rebels - MEN And Women Who Dare To Dissent From Accepted Doctrine. As Their Heirs, May We NEVER Confuse Honest Dissent With Disloyal Subversion.


He ALONE Is FREE Who Lives With Free CONSENT Under The ENTIRE Guidance Of Reason.

WOMEN, Can't LIVE With Them, Can't Live WITHOUT Them.
PART Of The AMERICAN Dream Is To Live Long And Die Young. Only Those Americans Who Are Willing To Die For Their Country Are FIT To Live.

I Have OPINIONS Of My Own, STRONG Opinions, But I Don't ALWAYS AGREE With Them.

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